Tabuk Ottoman Castle in Al’awayshah, Saudi Arabia Customer Care Phone Number, Email, Address, Hours, How to reach by bus, metro?

Tabuk Ottoman Castle in Al’awayshah, Saudi Arabia Customer Care Phone Number, Email, Address, Hours, Entry Fee, How to reach by bus, metro?

Tabuk Ottoman Castle Customer Care Contacts

Address: 3060 Al Amir Fahd Ibn Sultan Rd, Al’awayshah, Tabuk 47914, Saudi Arabia

Hours: Sun – Thur 9 am–8 pm Friday 4–7:30 pm Saturday 7 am–1:45 pm 4–8 pm

Phone: +966 14 423 9696

Email: N/A

Website: N/A

Map: View Google directions here.

About Tabuk Ottoman Castle

Tabuk Ottoman Fort is the oldest fort built in 1559. The fort was renovated in 1993 and now serves as a museum with beautiful historical artifacts from the Ottoman era. And it is one of the most famous historical landmarks of Tabuk.

The fort was built to protect and provide security to the water station as it was one of the welcoming stations for pilgrims on the Syrian Hajj route. It is associated with famous travelers like Ibn Battuta and Evliya Celebi.

Entry Fee at Tabuk Ottoman Castle

  • Entry Tickets cost – 50 Riyals
  • Children Entry Tickets – free.


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