Tayma Fort in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia Customer Care Phone Number, Email, Address, Hours, How to reach by bus, metro?

Tayma Fort in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia Customer Care Phone Number, Email, Address, Hours, How to reach by bus, metro?

Tayma Fort Customer Care Contacts

Address: Governors Palace, Tayma 45521, Saudi Arabia


Phone: +966 55 318 8933



Map: View Google directions here.

Location: Tayma is located 264 km (164 mi) southeast of the city of Tabuk, and about 400 km (250 mi) north of Medina. It is located in the western part of al-Nafud.

About Tayma Fort

Tayma Castle is a large oasis with a long history of settlements in Tayma. It is one of the oldest settlements in Saudi Arabia and the entire Arabian Peninsula, located in northwestern Saudi Arabia near Madinah and Tabuk. In the middle of the 6th century BC, the Babylonian king Nabonidus stayed in Tima. Mesopotamian texts mention it as one of the few places in Saudi Arabia.


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